Cancel Subscription

If you want to cancel your account:

  • In your Tablein account, click Settings on the top right-hand corner, then click Subscription
  • On the bottom left-hand corner, click “Cancel subscription”
  • Fill in the cancellation form

Payment for Basic or Premium subscription will be stopped before your next billing month. Depending on what is owed, you may be charged additionally for reservations after the 150 limit (only Basic plan users) and SMS messages for the previous billing period.

Please note that if you have a twelve month prepaid account (Premium12) and you decide to cancel your account after four months, your payment won’t be refunded and your account may remain active until the end of your twelve month commitment term. If you want to delete your account, then please contact us. In this case, a refund will still be invalid, but your account will be deleted from the Tablein system.