Setting up opening hours

If you have more than one dining area or room, we highly recommend that you create dining rooms within the table management section and then set up opening hours. Our easy-to-navigate system allows you to set up different opening hours within each dining area.

  • Open settings
  • Navigate to Opening hours
  • Select whether if you want to allow reservations every 15 minutes or 30 minutes and then save (this also shows time slots on your calendar)
  • Add restaurant business hours for each day (Monday through Sunday)
  • Available reservation times will depend on your preferred booking length. For example, if you want the final reservation time to be 9 p.m., you should set closing time at 11 p.m. (if your booking length is 2 hours)
  • If you are closed between lunch and dinner time, please click on each time slot and block online bookings
    Screenshot 2022-04-05 at 15.15.50
  • When time slots are white – online reservations are available
  • When time slots are red – online reservations are blocked

Please check video on how to set up opening hours: