Stripe integration

Stripe integration

Stripe is the credit card processor that we partner with, to allow restaurants to manage customer payments via credit cards.

For integration, you need to have a Stripe account.

Please note, all payments are transferred directly to your account, so if a guest requires a refund, you will also need to make a refund on your Stripe account.

How to integrate Stripe:

  • Go to your Settings and open 3rd party integration
  • Turn on “Enable gateway”
  • The title is what your guest’s will see, so you can name it “Pay by card”
  • Fill in your personal Stripe account details: Private key (starts with sk_live) and Public key (starts with pk_live)
  • Click Save when you’re finished and the payment system is will be ready to use immediately.
  • Minimal amount to test Stripe is 0,8 Eur

To accept payments, you will need to create Prepayment and Promotions

Learn more about Stripe keys: